2025 STEMMY Competitions

Pre-Conference Competitions

Grades K-5

Grades 6 - 12

On-site Competitions

Highlight Video Competition

In partnership with: HIKI NO PBS Hawaii

Date and Time of Competition: Starts Monday, March 24th at 9:30am and ends Tuesday, March 25th at 11:30am

Description: Create a journalistic highlight video of the 16th Annual Hawaii STEM Conference. 

Items Students Need to Bring: video equipment, computer/software for editing, flash drive

Items Provided by STEMworks: N/A

Prize: The winners will be featured on Hiki No

Registration Instructions: Sign up by Friday, March 7th by 11:59pm

Google AppSheet Hackathon

In partnership with: HIDOE & Google

Date and Time of Competition: Monday, March 24th from 9:30am-4:30pm

Description: Design an App in Google AppSheet with guidance from Google industry professionals. 

Items Students Need to Bring: Computer

Items Provided by STEMworks: TBD

Prize: TBD

Registration Instructions: Sign up by Friday, March 7th by 11:59pm

Entrepreneurship Competition 

In Partnership with: VentureLab

Date & Time of Competition: Monday, March 24th 10:00am-12:00pm

Description: In this on-site entrepreneurial competition, students will practice and grow their creativity, empathy, and entrepreneurial skills by innovating solutions, designing prototypes, creating a business model, and submitting a recorded pitch.

Items Students Need to Bring: Phones/Computers

Items Provided by STEMworks: Idea to Pitch Kit

Prize: TBD

Registration Instructions: This event is limited to 20 students. Sign up by Friday, March 7th by 11:59pm