2024 STEMMY Competitions

2024 On-site Competitions

Highlight Video Competition 

In partnership with:


Winners: Rachel Chidester, Aubrey Bechard, Stella Blanchard, Gabriel Go

Kauai High School

Trophy Designed by Jake Hackett

AI Image/Story Challenge 

In Partnership with:

Gabriel Yanagihara

Winners: Norah Aumiller & Delilah Varvaro

“Oliver & Luna’s Story”

Lokelani Intermediate School

Trophy Designed by Molly Pease

Entrepreneurship Competition 

In Partnership with: 


Winners: Mila Rexford, Ethan Stamps, Maren Rose Salomon

Waipahu High School

Trophy Designed by Jackson Barcus

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Esports Competition

In Partnership with:

Vanta and HPU Esports


1st Place: Janessa Aronce,

Kea'au High School

2nd Place: Elijah Onodera,

Kea'au High School

3rd Place: Corban Mantei,

Lathrop High School

Prizes donated by Vanta and STEMworks

2024 Pre-Conference Competitions

Grades K-5

Sticker Mascot Design

Winner: Kaira Terui

“Word of the Robots”

Wilcox Elementary School

Health PSA Challenge

Winner: Alyssa Garma, Aria Morales, Shaylen Satta, Kanoe Saiki, Kaira Terui

“Outside Your Screens”

Wilcox Elementary School

STEM Career Exploration

Winner: Riley Teramae

“Mochi’s Bakery:

Pastry Chef”

Wilson Elementary School

Video Game Design

Winner: Haruto Oki

“Adventure Man”

Wilson Elementary School

T-Shirt Graphic Design

Winner: John Lewis Maneja

“He'au Ulu a Ola - A Stem That Grows and Lives”

Kea'au High School

Trophy Designed by Jake Hunter

Grades 6 - 12

Sticker Mascot Design

Winner: Mio Gonzales

“StarStem Planets”

Kaua'i High School

Trophy Designed by Kenneth Stone

Video Game Design

Winner: Kahaka'iwa Williams

“Nā Kaikaina”

Kalama Intermediate School

Trophy Designed by Olivia Smythe

Bumbai, No Vape! Health PSA Podcast

Winners: Jeremiah Jacinto, Dylan Molina, Ayden Truong, Isamu Kahai

Break the Vape”

H.P. Baldwin High School


Kahakuha'akoi Hamakua-Laemoa

“808, YouBetahNotVape!”

Moloka'i High School

Trophy Designed by Gabe Dalida

Sustainable Schools!Renewable Energy Innovation

Winner: Kate Denise Maneja, Luz Espinoza Vargas

“Rain Gutter Power”

Kea'au High School

Trophy Designed by Lily Barrett

Pupule Pua'a! Agricultural Ecosystem Innovation

Winner: Hazel Paguirigan, Kaeden Cristobal

“Double Fence System”

Waipahu High School

Trophy Designed by Race Smith Sears

I'mua! Short Film Competition

Winner: Charlyn Flores

“Blessing in Disguise”

H.P Baldwin High School

Trophy Designed by Aalii Valle

Social Media Content Creation Competition

Winner: John Lewis Maneja

“Hawai'i's Native Endangered Species”

Kea'au High School

Trophy Designed by Jake Hackett

Hawaiʻi Stories Matter!ArcGIS StoryMap

Winner: Brandon Dorde

“Saving Lives, Evacuation Time”

Waipahu High School

Trophy Designed by Sarah Pease

Growing Beyond Earth Poster Session & Presentation

Winner: Benlee Criste & Elizabeth Moreno

“GBE: Black Opal Basil on Mars Farm”

Molokaʻi High School

Trophy Designed by Rusell Bowden

STEM Lab Spotlight

Winner: Rachel Chidester, Aubrey Bechard, Stella Blanchard, Gabriel Go, Colton Mills, Mikayla Alonzo, Esjhalee Chung Ching Man

Kauaʻi High School

Trophy Designed by Molly Pease